On Thursday 10th September, Mental Health In Recruitment proudly launches the first industry-wide mental health survey that canvasses opinion from all leaders and employees in the recruitment sector; sales, operations and back-office support. The survey is entirely anonymous, and the data we receive will enable us to present a more accurate view of mental health in the industry.
We came to life just two months ago with a clear mission: to drive change around how mental health is viewed and supported in the industry.
The outpouring of support and interest we’ve received over the last eight weeks has been incredible. Key organisations and figures in Recruitment want to be a part of this remarkable initiative, however, in August, we asked ourselves a fundamental question: If we are driving change across the industry, how can we quantify the impact we’re having, have and continue to have?
There has been an increasing amount of data produced regarding mental health in the workplace over the last few years; however, the data produced for our sector has been minimal.
More importantly, despite the well-known highs and lows of the job along with the recent challenges and impact of COVID, we’re still hearing a large proportion of Recruitment leaders question whether there is a problem that needs to be solved when it comes to mental wellness at work. This widely heard opinion is counter-intuitive to what the recruiters themselves tell us.
Recruitment has a reputation for resilience, strength and adaptability. It doesn’t mean that our people are superhuman.
The Mental Health In Recruitment Survey will give insight into perceptions across the industry, management of mental health in the workplace as well as personal experiences. It is also our intention to ensure the results are reflected in our forthcoming Awareness to Action Campaign using the baseline data to measure the impact that we are looking to have.
The 5-10 minutes individuals spend on completing it is highly valued, and something we believe is critically important for every person working in this remarkable space.
You can complete the survey by following this
link: https://mhir.typeform.com/to/QeNPyc4W or visiting the Mental Health In Recruitment Homepage.
The survey will be open until 1st October 2020.